Contact Us

Thank you for visiting Passport to Organics. Please see below for a list of contact emails.

- General Inquiries
- Website Order Questions (Please provide order number and/or name)
- Product Recommendations and Questions (Sorry, we do not send out samples)
- Employment

- Public Relations
- Testimonials

- Wholesale Inquiries

Third Party Purchases NOT from
Please contact the seller directly for questions about orders and returns

Customer Service:
Passport to Organics is an online based company. All customer and order inquiries can be addressed by emailing us at

Voicemail messages can be left at 1-800-809-4704

Business Hours:
M-F - 9:30AM-4PM CST
Closed Sat-Sunday

Austin, TX 78704

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00 USD

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods